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Import from Product Hunt

Import Product Hunt reviews and comments to your Testimonial space.

Damon Chen avatar
Written by Damon Chen
Updated over a week ago

With our Chrome extension, you can directly add your Product Hunt reviews to your Testimonial space, and Wall of Love. 


1. Make sure our Chrome extension is downloaded and installed.

2. Login with your registered method, either Google, email, or password. This is what it looks like once you sign in successfully.

3. Once you log in to the extension, head to the Product Hunt reviews you’d like to add to your website or Wall of Love. Do a right-click, followed by clicking on "Collect Product Hunt Review".

4. Add all the information that you would like to add to your testimonial.

Tip: Under ‘Select Spaces, make sure to click the space it should be added to. You can also automatically add it to your wall of love by clicking on ‘Add to My Wall of Love’.

5. Choose the Testimonial space where you want to save this recommendation, whether or not you want to add it to your wall of love. Finally, click Add to complete it.

That’s it! All your reviews will be added to your Testimonial account 💪

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If you still have a question, please reach out on the live chatbox, and we will get back to you as soon as we're able. 💬

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