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All-in-one: Customize your thank-you page
Damon Chen avatar
Written by Damon Chen
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will guide you through how to customize your thank-you page.

This is how the default thank-you looks like:

However, if you don't like Leonardo 🤪, or you want to change the thank-you message, you can do it here. Just click the Thank you page button, you can find in beneath the live preview card:

Then you should see a view like this:

You can do all these customizations:

  • Update/hide the thank-you image

  • Thank you title

  • Thank you message

  • Add social share buttons

  • Automatically reward your customers

Update/hide the thank-you image

In order to update the default thank-you image, simply choose an image to upload, you can see a live preview on the left:

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If you don't want to show a thank-you image, you can check the box to hide the image:

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Add social share buttons

Just toggle the option of Allow to share on social media to ON, like this, we will add a list of social icons at the bottom of your thank-you card. The social media will include:

  • Twitter

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • WhatsApp

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Automatically reward your customers

⚠️You need to upgrade your plan to use this feature

⚠️Automatic reward will only be sent for video testimonials. For text testimonial, it will not be triggered.

Please check this help article for the Reward program:

After you add funds to your reward account, you can enable the automatic reward. Simply toggle the following button to ON, and specify how much you would like to send for each video testimonial.

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Redirect to your own page

After the testimonial is submitted successfully, you can redirect your users to whatever page you put here. It can be your own thank-you page, or any other page to show your appreciation.

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If you need help or have any questions, just click on the live chat widget. We will reach back as soon as possible ✌️

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