
Wanted to create a wall of love from selected testimonials or have your testimonials organize? It is now possible with tags.

Damon Chen avatar
Written by Damon Chen
Updated over a week ago

As a way to make it easier for you to keep your testimonials organized, you can use the tags feature.


Manage Tags

  1. Once you are on your Space, click on "Manage Tags" under the Space settings on the left sidebar.

  2. In the 'Manage Tags' pop-up, you will also see your existing tags

Once you have your Tag popup, here are the things you can do.

  • Create a Tag

  • Delete a Tag

  • Hide a Tag: Testimonials from this tag will not show up on your Wall of Love.

  • Rename a Tag 

  • Reorder your Tag

Apply tags to testimonials

  1. Click the arrow on the bottom right of a testimonial.

  2. Next, click on 'tags'

  3. You can now apply tags to testimonials

  4. Once you are done, click on 'Apply' and that's it! Your tags will be updated ✅


Pro Tip #1: It works with social media shoutouts like Tweets, Instagram posts, and more.

Pro Tip #2: You can show the tags on your Wall of Love like this:

Here's how; after clicking on 'Options' and 'Manage Tags' simply toggle 'on' Display tags on Wall of Love and voila 🥳

If you still have a question, please reach out on the live chatbox, and we will respond as soon as possible💬

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