There are two ways you can export your testimonials.
Export All
Open the space where the testimonials you want to export are located.
Once open, from the right sidebar, hit options and choose "Export to CSV".
The file will be downloaded in CSV format.
Export specific testimonials
There are two ways you can export a specific testimonial.
Collected from your landing page
Access the space where the testimonial is located.
For text testimonials
Hit the arrow down to access the setting, and from there, select the share option to create an image.
A pop-up modal will show up where you can customize the text testimonial before you download it. We have more information about how you can generate an image testimonial here.
For video testimonials
Other testimonials from third-party reviews can also be downloaded or embedded, and please see our guide here for more information.
If you still have a question, please reach out in the live chatbox on the π¬.We will reach back as soon as possible.