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Collect the user’s consent

Here's how you can collect your user's consent.

Rachel Ann Pangilinan avatar
Written by Rachel Ann Pangilinan
Updated over a week ago

The consent statement is enforced and is required by default, as it is crucial to obtain permission from your clients if you intend to use your client's testimonial in future marketing materials

Now, you can change it to be optional or hidden.

Our guide here is divided into three parts: where to check your consent's permission/display, how to change your consent statement, and how to see if your clients gave their consent. 

Consent permission/display

📣 Before starting, you need to create a new space first. A space is like a container to hold all your testimonials.

  1. While you are on the dashboard page, on the right side of each space card, there is a ⚙️ icon. Click that, and you will see a drop-down list. Choose "Edit the space." 

  2. Select the "Extra Settings" button underneath the live preview to see the available extra settings.

  3. From there, you will be able to change your consent display.

    • Options: Required, Optional, and Hidden.

  4. Lastly, save the changes. 

Changing your consent statement

Our default consent statement is:

"I give permission to use this testimonial across social channels and other marketing efforts."

If you want to change it, follow the steps listed above and place the statement you want under the "Consent Statement" field.

If your terms are lengthy and you want to provide a link pointing to your consent terms, highlight the part you want your clients to click on from your customized consent, and paste the link (URL). 

Once the link has been saved, the consent statement will change with a link directing to your consent page. 

Checking your client's consent/permission 

You can check your client's permission in two ways.

  • From your space dashboard

    If you choose consent permission as an optional option, you will see a ✅ or ⛔ icon within the testimonial card.

  • Downloading your testimonial log​

    The log is a downloaded file for the testimonials from your clients. Choose the "More" option and select "Download testimonial log."

    The downloaded PDF will give you the answer:

If you still have a question, don't hesitate to get in touch with us by clicking the support icon 💬 in the bottom right-hand corner of this page and we'll respond as soon as we can.

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